2001 rear lamp conversion completed (long)
(archive link: http://www.bimmer.org/5series/messages/archive/msgsy2001w04/22303.html)
Posted by DC on January 24, 2001
at 01:29:03:
(posted from: spider-tr054.proxy.aol.com
Completed conversion over the weekend.
I am pleased with the results. I haven't had much time to complete the eval,
write enhanced instructions & provide annotated pics. I will pass on this
info to Lefty in the future. For now, here's a URL to my photos (no particular
order at this time) & a brief summary of my eval of the Hella kit install.
The instructions provided by Hella was good (see scanned instructions). After
reading the enhanced instructions & some pre planning, IMO an experienced
installer should take 30-60 mins & a weekend mechanic 1-2 hrs. The most
difficult step is drilling 2 additional holes & modifying an existing cutout
on each side (most difficult step was really not that challenging). The
modification to the cutout may not be required for all cars. The modification
provides clearance to ease future bulb replacement & clearance to fine tune
the adjustment of the lens assy. The use of a Dremel made this mod simple. See
the before & after pics. I believe this step can be done and retain the
stock integrity & appearance. Patience & preplanning also paid off in
avoiding rework & broken retainers (10/10 r&r without a casualty). The
fit of the lens assy to vehicle was good. It was important to properly place the
2 spaces per side provided in the kit. Leaving out or misplacing the spacers
would result in excessive gapping. I hope this post provides valuable input for
those interested in possibly converting to 2001 style RLs. I got my kit through
Eric @ SPP 714 632-1951. I believe his GP is $279 for the complete kit. Best
Derek "DC"